AAI Integration: mapping users

Mikael Borg

Dec 2017


Users of ELIXIR gridftp endpoints are authenticated using X509 certificates. The certificate user identities (subjects) must be mapped to local accounts. This is done in the configuration file /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile.

However, the ELIXIR AAI certificate subjects sometimes change, which means that the mapping must be kept up to date. This document describes how to set up automatic user mapping.

In the following it is assumed that a gridftp endpoint already is deployed.

Set up sync with PERUN

Install package edg-mkgridmap (present in e.g. EPEL repository):

$ yum install -y edg-mkgridmap

Configure edg-mkgridmap with /etc/edg-mkgridmap.conf:

group "vomss://voms1.grid.cesnet.cz:8443/voms/vo.elixir-europe.org/"
gmf_local /etc/localgridmap.conf

The first line tells the script to obtain a list of certificate subjects from ELIXIR PERUN. The second line configures where to store local user mappings that should be present in the grid-mapfile (e.g. if you have some other user mapping based on e.g. grid certificates).

Configure user mapping

The AUTO keyword tells edg-mkgridmap to execute the local script /usr/libexec/edg-mkgridmap/local-subject2user when mapping certificates to local user accounts. The script is called with each user certificate subject as argument and is expected to write the local username associated with the user certificate subject to STDOUT.

Here is a sample script that will map a couple of ELIXIR identities to local user account ‘heartbeat’, and one ELIXIR identity to local user ‘borg’:

# map the following to the heartbeat account:

heartbeaters="Delisa Simonovic\|Amelie Cornelis\|Jinny Chien"
if [[ $1 =~ $heartbeaters ]]
  echo "heartbeat"
# local user
if [[ $1 =~ 'Mikael Borg' ]]
  echo "borg"

Note that the script need to be executable.


It is possible to test the set-up by running edg-mkgridmap without arguments. The resulting grid-mapfile will then be written to STDOUT.

Note that access to PERUN requires that the server making the connection has a proper host certificate - letsencrypt certificates are not accepted. For testing purposes, it is possible to use an ELIXIR proxy certificate though:

  • Obtain ELIXIR proxy certificate from CILogon and save to a file, e.g. cert.txt

  • Run edg-mkgridmap in user mode with environment variable X509_USER_PROXY pointing to your proxy certificate, e.g.:

    X509\_USER\_PROXY=$HOME/cert.txt edg-mkgridmap --usermode

Keep mapping updated via cronjob

Finally, in order to keep the user mapping up to date, run edg-mkgridmap as a cronjob, e.g. add file /etc/cron.d/edg-mkgridmap.cron with content (as one line):

17 \*/2 \* \* \* /usr/sbin/edg-mkgridmap --conf=/etc/edg-mkgridmap.conf
--output=/etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile --safe --cache --quiet


Thanks to Michal Procházka for providing necessary information.