GridFTP installation instructions for ELIXIR use

ELIXIR Excelerate WP4

Harri Salminen/CSC, 2016

This document covers an example installation of a standard globus GridFTP server with ELIXIR Demo CA on a Scientific Linux 7 server. For official and more comprehensive generic installation instructions please see the gtadmin manual

Software installation

First you need to have or install the Scientific Linux 7 server or similar (Centos/RHEL). This example uses SL7.2 set up as an infrastructure server. If you have a debian based distribution like Ubuntu the principles are same but commands differ (yum -> apt-get, firewall-cmd -> ufw or whatever fw you use etc.). It’s assumed that you have a running server with standard unix development and management tools with which you are familiar with.

To start the server installation please go to and check for the latest stable release. In this case it was GT6.0 and its download page listed repositories for various operating systems (Centos/RHEL/SL, Ubuntu, SuSE,Mac OS X,Windows etc.).

Install the chosen repo with:

rpm -i globus-toolkit-repo-latest.noarch.rpm

Then install Globus packages e.g.:

yum install globus-gridftp globus-gsi globus-data-management-server

You may also want a client tools for in the server or your client host to test the server with:

yum install globus-data-management-client

Firewall configuration

Open ports for GridFTP control and data connections:

firewall-cmd --add-port=50000-51000/tcp
firewall-cmd --add-port=2811/tcp

Check results:

firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-all
public (default, active)
interfaces: eth0
services: dhcpv6-client ssh
ports: 2811/tcp 50000-51000/tcp
masquerade: no
rich rules:

If your public interface is eth1 instead of eth0 change it with:

firewall-cmd --zone=public --change-interface=eth1

You’ll also need to configure the port range to the environment of the GridFTP server in its startup script. (e.g. /etc/init.d/globus-gridftp-server):

export GLOBUS_TCP_PORT_RANGE=50000,51000

or if you use xinetd in /etc/xinet.d/gridftp:

env += GLOBUS_TCP_PORT_RANGE=50000,51000

If you also need to restrict source ports there’s variable called GLOBUS_TCP_SOURCE_RANGE for that purpose.

Access Control

For secure transfers GridFTP uses the Grid Security Infrastructure. It requires that the client has a valid X.509 certificate which is signed by a Certificate Authority (CA). Both sides must be able to validate the certificate via a chain of trust. Who you trust, determines with whom you can communicate. In this example we trust both the Interoperable Global Trust Federation (IGTF) used for building distributed research infrastructures and an ELIXIR demo CA used for demonstrating the possibilities of the ELIXIR AAI pilot.

The server does also support password and ssh authentication which are beyond the scope of this document but of course documented in the manuals if you need them. It even has anonymous mode which is not recommended. If you need to allow anonymous public access, I’d recommend you to look at pureftpd and rsync instead.

After verifying the client certificate the server uses the DN in the certificate to map the user to a local user using a grid map file. What that entitles the user to do, is up to the configuration of each particular installation.

Host certificate

Every server needs its own server certificate and key which should be signed by a Certificate Authority accepted by the clients. How you get certificates depends on your organization. Many european sites can get the certificate service via their National Research Network. Like FUNET, most of them, but not all, are partners in the Terena Certificate Service.

If your organization is not a member in that, check you can get IGTF recognized certificates via some other trusted source. If not, you may have to acquire it from some other CA or act as your own CA. The standard installation does create by default a globus-simple-ca and associated certificates which are mainly intended for testing and development. In that case you’ll have to convince all your clients to install and trust your CA certificates as well which may work in a limited internal setup you can control but not very well globally between organizations.

In all cases the procedure is similar. First you create a certificate request for your server with openssl preferably on the same server. The -subj parameter is filled according to your local instructions and identifies your server globally.

openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -nodes -subj
"/C=FI/ST=Uusimaa/L=Espoo/O=CSC/" -out -keyout

Then you send the resulting .req file to your local certificate provider. E.g. an authorized person in your organization that can verify you and issue the certificate while you wait.

After you get your public host certificate, you should place it in a file called /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem.

The private .key file should be named as /etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem which should be protected from access by others than root. (0600)

You should of course have the domain name in the request configured in the DNS. Bear in mind that reverse DNS record (PTR) is checked by some applications (e.g. uberftp) but not all (e.g. globus-url-copy) so try to keep it synced with the certificate or some applications may not work. If you plan to use a CNAME for the server you could include the name mentioned in the reverse record as an alternative name.

Subject: DC=org, DC=terena, DC=tcs, C=FI, ST=Uusimaa, L=Espoo, O=CSC -
Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus Oy,
X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:,

This approach works only if you have authority to request certificates for all the domains in question from the CA. Usually server certificates are issued for a period of 1-3 years and you should be the owner of the domains for that period. For servers with a short lifetime you may need to figure out a solution by getting your own subdomain (with reverse DNS) and apply for a wildcard certficate e.g. *

IGTF CA certificate list installation

If you use common eScience certificates from terena or other IGTF compatible certificates Grid Community usually uses you should add trust anchors which means CA certificate and signing policy files usually kept in the directory /etc/grid-security/certificates. The easiest way is to install them from the IGTF repository so they will be automatically kept up to date. You should also install the Certificate Revocation List update scripts in cron to be able to revoke certificates that may have been compromised or for some other reason. Please note that there’s multiple different IGTF repo versions. Please pick the comprehensive one detailed under heading Installation which should also contain the CA for eScience Personal Certificates you probably may wish to use. For more information please go to

ELIXIR CILogon integration

The ELIXIR AAI integration is still in R&D phase and is the process of being included in the official IGTF repository. To enable it at the moment you should do the following:

cd /etc/grid-security/certificates

wget --no-check-certificate -O /etc/grid-security/certificates/

wget --no-check-certificate -O /etc/grid-security/certificates/

export HASH=`openssl x509 -in
/etc/grid-security/certificates/ -noout -hash`

ln -s $HASH.0

ln -s $HASH.signing_policy

wget --no-check-certificate -O

wget --no-check-certificate -O

export HASH=\`openssl x509 -in
/etc/grid-security/certificates/dcaroot.pem -noout -hash`

ln -s dcaroot.pem $HASH.0

ln -s dcaroot.signing_policy $HASH.signing_policy

Obtaining ELIXIR CILogon VO proxy

To test and demonstrate the ELIXIR AAI infrastructure there’s a portal via one can get a temporary proxy certificate that validates against the CA. First you need to register yourself with your name to the elixir intranet to get an ELIXIR id. There’s also a growing number of alternative authenticators available on the vo proxy login page.

After that you can go to the demo portal, press the vo-proxy button and you should end up in a page that has the temporary proxy certificate and key behind a show/hide link.

Please cut/paste a copy of the encoded certificates and private key to your client machine in a file /tmp/x509up_uUID with permissions 0600. UID would be the user under which you are going to run the GridFTP clients.

For real use this step is planned to be automated under the hood in one way or other during the course of the ELIXIR EXCELERATE WP4. This is just a proof of concept.

Adding users to Gridmap file

Also take note of the identity line in your certificate which you’ll need to put in the gridmap file at the server to map the identity to a local user (here a fictitious Joe User):

grid-mapfile-add-entry -dn ‘/DC=eu/DC=rcauth/DC=rcauth-clients/ Use ABCDEFG1234567’ -ln test

For eScience certificates there’s usually at least C, O and CN attributes and rest vary locally.

After the gridmap procedure the holders of the certificate mentioned in the file have the same file access rights as the local user it’s mapped to including usually the root directory.

Limiting access

If you want to further limit access to certain directories you’ll need additional gridftp configuration options which can be placed in /etc/gridftp.conf. If you wish, more complex configurations may be split to files without type (a dot in a filename) to the /etc/gridftp.d/ directory which you must create first yourself.

E.g. to restrict access to only certain directory trees use a setting like restrict_paths /pub,/home.

If you wish to limit users to their home directories set use_home_dirs 1.

Chrooting the gridftp server

If you wish you can optionally chroot the whole gridftp server to particular directory tree as follows:

mkdir /mnt/gridftp
cd /mnt/gridftp/
globus-gridftp-server-setup-chroot -r /mnt/gridftp/

and add in the gridftp config chroot_path /mnt/gridftp

After that you should have /mnt/gridftp/etc/grid-security/certificates and other necessary files and directories copied under /mnt/gridftp. You can the mount whatever data directories you need. And you can use restrict paths to hide the /etc, /dev and /tmp directories if you wish. Note that /etc/passwd contains paths for users home directories that are now relative to the chroot root directory.

NOTE: the server still runs under user root by default even though it changes to the user mentioned in the gridmap file. If you want to avoid that and prefer a non-root public server, you can set up a split configuration where the frontend is running under some other userid and the data transfer backend nodes as root. See the admin manual for advice on how to set up split and striped configurations. You’ll need to create a new user id with suitable environment, write custom startup scripts, copy keys, assign backend ports etc. so the default configuration for a single server setup described here is not enough.

Testing the server

After you have set up the server it’s time to test it.

First try to start it either as a standalone daemon:

service globus-gridftp-server start

If it fails, start debugging and reading the manual until it succeeds. You may want to set a config parameter debug 1 after which the server doesn’t disconnect but stays at foreground in debug mode until one request has been served.

The default installation includes a xinetd configuration file in /etc/xinet.d/gridftp which you can enable by changing the disable parameter in it to no and reloading xinetd config. However in that mode you can’t debug it in foreground mode.

Third option which is also suited for debugging is to run the server directly from command line. For command line options try

globus-gridftp-server -h

If you have the certificates for the CA set up in your local workstation and grid proxy initialized either by grid-proxy-init (the normal way) or by copying the above mentioned proxy to /tmp directory (the demo way) you should be ready to start.

For testing the simple globus-url-copy tool is used here:

Syntax: globus-url-copy [-help] [-vb] [-dbg] [-r] [-rst] [-s <subject>]
[-p <parallelism>] [-tcp-bs <size>] [-bs <size>]
-f <filename> | <sourceURL> <destURL>
If something fails, add -dbg flag to see where it fails.

List directories

globus-url-copy -list gsi

globus-url-copy -list



Copying files


mkdir /tmp/test; globus-url-copy -vb
gsi /tmp/test/

with -vb flag you can get some performance statistics. With -tcp-bs you can try to increase your TCP buffers if they don’t scale enough automatically within few seconds.

-p option specifies how many parallel data connections should be used which may help when window scaling or tcp tuning isn’t a solution.

The -p option seems to automatically use active mode FTP which means that the server tries to open the data connections to the client and not vice versa. For that to succeed the destination should have it’s firewall opened to a range of ports for incoming TCP-connections. So you may need to set the GLOBUS_TCP_PORT_RANGE=start,end also in the client and open all firewalls for the range. Finally there’s a -cc switch which means that you can specify how many parallel ftp clients for transferring different files you may want to use. Excessive amounts are not a good idea since you might block out others, try just a few to start and tune your TCP first if possible.

There’s also a large number of other parameters that are documented in the man page.

If your transfer speed is not fast enough you should check if it’s limited by source or destination server and its associated storage or the network in between.

If you are experiencing problems, you could debug the by adding the -dbg flag to your clobus-url-copy command:

globus-url-copy -list -dbg gsi

The are also 3rd party transfer tools such as UberfFTP and gtransfer with multiple functions and a debug option. You should note that UberFTP is significantly slower than globus-url-copy with smaller files since it doesn’t seem to reuse the data connections:

uberftp -debug 3

If you can’t get the authetication to success, you can check for possible certificate issues with commands:

grid-cert-diagnostics -g
grid-proxy-init -verify -debug

Many problems seem to stem from the fact that the certificate your client is not signed by a CA that is in the /etc/grid-security/certificates on both ends. Other common issues are missing or expired CRLs or certificates.

Network performance analysis

For checking the network connection I recommend in addition to the basic ping and traceroute tools the iperf performance testing tool against some suitable iperf servers. The command line iperf too can act either as server or client so it would relatively easy to set up servers at each site so that one could measure, analyze and tune network issues independent of storage and gridftp server issues. You can get it along with documentation from Version 3 is recommended, it’s easier to use and has more features. Use version 2 only if there’s no version 3 available. They are not compatible and use different default ports.

A basic iperf v3 server is started simply with command iperf3 -s. You only need to open port 5201 for TCP and UDP both in IPv4 and IPv6 (if you use it). Funet has a dedicated iperf server with a 10Gbit/s link called Also iperf-delay50 and are available with simulated extra 50ms (trans european) or 150ms (transatlantic) delay.

Following is an example of a basic performance test between the Cray XC40 supercomputer called sisu in the CSC Kajaani data center which is 7,7 ms away from the FUNET iperf server in Espoo. Link speed is 10Gbit/s shared with other users as is usually the case. You may want to repeat tests at different times of day or different days.

hks@sisu-login3:~> ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=60
time=7.73 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=60
time=7.74 ms
hks@sisu-login3:~> traceroute
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte
packets using UDP
1 ( 0.407 ms 0.325 ms 0.299 ms
2 ( 7.943 ms 7.808 ms 7.806 ms
3 ( 7.898 ms 7.828 ms 7.742 ms
4 ( 7.690 ms 7.660 ms 7.630 ms
5 (!) 7.692 ms (N!) 7.745 ms (N!) 7.663

hks@sisu-login3:~> iperf3 -c
Connecting to host, port 5201
[ 4] local port 51444 connected to port
[ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth Retr Cwnd
[ 4] 0.00-1.00 sec 12.9 MBytes 108 Mbits/sec 0 242 KBytes
[ 4] 1.00-2.00 sec 96.2 MBytes 807 Mbits/sec 0 1.80 MBytes
[ 4] 2.00-3.00 sec 381 MBytes 3.20 Gbits/sec 0 3.82 MBytes
[ 4] 3.00-4.00 sec 414 MBytes 3.47 Gbits/sec 0 3.87 MBytes
[ 4] 4.00-5.00 sec 421 MBytes 3.53 Gbits/sec 0 3.87 MBytes
[ 4] 5.00-6.00 sec 420 MBytes 3.52 Gbits/sec 0 3.89 MBytes
[ 4] 6.00-7.00 sec 421 MBytes 3.53 Gbits/sec 0 3.90 MBytes
[ 4] 7.00-8.00 sec 425 MBytes 3.57 Gbits/sec 0 3.90 MBytes
[ 4] 8.00-9.00 sec 424 MBytes 3.55 Gbits/sec 0 3.90 MBytes
[ 4] 9.00-10.00 sec 421 MBytes 3.53 Gbits/sec 0 3.91 MBytes
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth Retr
[ 4] 0.00-10.00 sec 3.36 GBytes 2.88 Gbits/sec 0 sender
[ 4] 0.00-10.00 sec 3.36 GBytes 2.88 Gbits/sec receiver
iperf Done.

Note the scaling up of the TCP windows and buffers in the first few seconds. Scaling should be on by default, you can check it on linux with

cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_window_scaling

You can also check the TCP buffer settings and possibly tune them within reasonable limits. Too large maximum buffers may cause problems with your other connections. In this case the sisu supercomputer has reasonable write max of 4MB and receive max of 6MB

cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_wmem
4096 16384 4194304
cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_rmem
4096 87380 6291456

If you are familiar with the TCP protocol and its extensions then you could also use some suitable network analyzer like tcpdump or wireshark to look deeper in the problem at the protocol and packet level too.

Storage performance analysis

If network seems to be much faster that your transfers, then the problem might be in your storage infrastructure. The simple way to check is to transfer to/from /dev/null or ramdisk like /dev/shm and compare it to the results from real storage. To test the storage performance you could first simply use a large enough file and copy it to /dev/null or ramdisk with for example dd which may give an idea of sequential transfer speeds. Please note that there may be a huge difference in performance depending if the file is already in the memory buffers of the server, disk cache (ram/ssd) or only in real spinning disks possibly used by others too. To rule that out, in general you should use transfers that are several times bigger than the largest caches along the way which may be hard to achieve in some environments.

Also the access patterns, record sizes, number of parallel threads, disk type etc. affects the performance so for more specialized testing tools designed for the purpose should be used.

One such tool for unix/linux is the open source iozone.

GridFTP server tuning

The transfers do use server resources like memory, CPU and I/O especially at high speeds over long latencies. So you may want to limit the number of concurrent GridFTP connections.

A rule of thumb is that you might need 16MB of memory for network buffers in both directions of a long delay connection + 2MB for the server which would set the maximum number of connections available memory/34. You may need to change the kernel limits too.

To set the limit use the max_connections parameter in the config file if you are running the server as an independent daemon as in this example. However, if you are using xinetd, to start the server you can set the variable instance = <max instances> in the xinetd config.

Another option for tuning is to separate the frontend and backend processes so that you can have multiple backends for the actual transfer and only a lightweight nonroot frontend process open to the internet. This may give a performance boost especially in clusters that can use multiple different I/O nodes in a striped configuration as well as increase security.

For more information please refer to the Gridftp admin guide.